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Heroes' Day

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Heroes' Day is a public holiday in Zimbabwe

Heroes' Day in Zimbabwe

Heroes' Day is a public holiday in Zimbabwe, observed annually on the second Monday of August. This day is dedicated to honoring the men and women who fought and died in the country's liberation struggle, which led to independence from British colonial rule in 1980.


The history of Heroes' Day dates back to the liberation war known as the Second Chimurenga or Rhodesian Bush War (1964-1979). The war involved various nationalist groups, including Robert Mugabe's Zimbabwe African National Union (ZANU) and Joshua Nkomo's Zimbabwe African People's Union (ZAPU), fighting against the white-minority government of Rhodesia. Many lives were lost during this turbulent period. After independence, the government designated Heroes' Acre near Harare as a national shrine to commemorate those who sacrificed their lives.


On Heroes' Day, ceremonies are held across the country with the main event taking place at Heroes' Acre. The President of Zimbabwe typically leads this event, giving a speech and laying wreaths on the graves of fallen heroes. This day serves not only as a remembrance for those who died but also as an opportunity to reflect on the values and aspirations that drove the nation’s fight for self-determination.

What People Do

  • Commemorative Ceremonies: Citizens attend ceremonies at war memorials, with military parades and speeches by political leaders.
  • Visits to Shrines: Families visit shrines like Heroes’ Acre to pay their respects.
  • Cultural Events: Various cultural events and performances take place celebrating Zimbabwean history and heritage.
  • Reflection: People reflect on the sacrifices made by ancestors for their freedom.
  • Community Gatherings: In some communities, there may be gatherings or festivities celebrating national pride.

Heroes’ Day serves as a poignant reminder of Zimbabwe’s struggle for independence and is a significant day of remembrance and national pride for its citizens.

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