Date: March 21st
Significance: Commemorates the Sharpeville massacre and celebrates the rights of all South Africans.
Human Rights Day in South Africa has its roots in a tragic event that took place on March 21, 1960, known as the Sharpeville massacre. On this day, a crowd of around 7,000 protesters gathered in Sharpeville, near Johannesburg, to protest against the apartheid regime's pass laws, which required black South Africans to carry passbooks and severely restricted their movement. The police opened fire on the unarmed crowd, killing 69 people and wounding over 180.
The massacre was a turning point in South African history and sparked international condemnation of the apartheid policies. It also galvanized internal resistance and led to a significant escalation in the struggle against apartheid.
Human Rights Day serves both as a remembrance of the victims of the Sharpeville massacre and as a celebration of South Africa's unique constitution, which is revered for its commitment to human rights.
On Human Rights Day:
On this day, while some partake in formal events or acts of remembrance, others may use it as an opportunity to enjoy time with family or participate in community activities given that it is a public holiday.