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Independence Day observed

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Independence Day is a national holiday in Vietnam

Independence Day in Vietnam

Date Observed: September 2nd


Independence Day in Vietnam, also known as National Day, marks the anniversary of the country's declaration of independence from French colonial rule. On September 2, 1945, President Ho Chi Minh read the Declaration of Independence at Ba Dinh Square in Hanoi, establishing the Democratic Republic of Vietnam. This pivotal event followed the August Revolution and occurred in the power vacuum left by Japan's surrender to Allied forces during World War II.


  • National Ceremonies: Formal ceremonies take place across the country, with government officials participating in commemorative events. The most prominent ceremony is usually held at Ba Dinh Square where Ho Chi Minh declared independence.
  • Flag-raising: A flag-raising ceremony is a common practice to show patriotism and commemorate the historic day.
  • Parades and Performances: Military parades highlight Vietnam's strength and unity, while cultural performances showcase traditional music and dance.
  • Fireworks: Major cities like Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City often have spectacular fireworks displays in the evening.
  • Displays of Nationalism: Streets are decorated with national flags and banners to evoke a sense of pride and patriotism among citizens.

What People Do:

On this public holiday, people across Vietnam get a day off from work to celebrate. Many take part in or watch parades and attend local events. Families often gather for meals or picnics, taking advantage of the time off to relax together. Additionally, it's an opportunity for Vietnamese people around the world to reflect on their national identity and history.

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