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World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims

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The World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims serves as a major advocacy day for road traffic injury prevention.

World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims in the United States

History: The World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims was started by RoadPeace in 1993 and was later adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 2005. This day is commemorated globally on the third Sunday of November each year to remember those killed or injured in road crashes and their families and friends.

Traditions: While there are no fixed traditions, activities typically include:

  • Memorial Services: Services are held to honor those who have lost their lives or have been injured.
  • Awareness Campaigns: Organizations promote road safety awareness, aiming to prevent future tragedies.
  • Advocacy Actions: Activists often use this day to call for policy changes to improve road safety.
  • Candlelight Vigils: Vigils are organized in various communities, offering a space for collective mourning and remembrance.

What People Do: In the US, individuals, communities, and organizations participate by:

  • Attending or organizing commemorative events and vigils.
  • Sharing stories of loss or survival to highlight the impact of road accidents.
  • Engaging with media campaigns or social media using hashtags like #WDoR2023 or #RoadPeace.
  • Participating in workshops or conferences focused on improving road safety measures.

This day serves as a reminder of the devastating impact of road traffic incidents and the ongoing need for improvements in road safety. It also provides an opportunity for people to come together in solidarity with those affected by such tragedies.

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