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Town Meeting Day
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The state of Vermont, in the USA, holds its Town Meeting Day on the first Tuesday of March each year.
Town Meeting Day in the United States
Town Meeting Day is a New England tradition, particularly prominent in the state of Vermont, where it is held on the first Tuesday in March. It's a form of direct democratic rule that has its roots in colonial America.
History and Traditions:
Origin: The tradition dates back to the early 1600s when settlers would gather to make decisions in town meetings.
Vermont Significance: Vermont has held Town Meeting Day since 1762, even before it was a state. It was enshrined in law when Vermont became a state in 1791.
Activities on Town Meeting Day:
Community Gatherings: Residents meet to discuss and vote on local issues, such as budgets, road repairs, and school funding.
Elections: It often coincides with local elections; people vote for town officers and leaders.
Public Forums: Citizens debate new proposals or bylaws directly affecting their community.
School Closures: In many places, schools are closed to allow for widespread civic participation.
Town Meeting Day serves as a key example of participatory democracy, with townspeople having a say on local governance issues.