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National Library Workers' Day
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National Library Workers’ Day recognizes the efforts and achievements that librarians make to give Americans access to information via books, computers and other media.
National Library Workers' Day (NLWD) in the United States is a day dedicated to acknowledging and celebrating the efforts of library staff members who contribute to the management and operations of libraries across the nation. Here is a brief overview:
Established: In 2003, National Library Workers' Day was established by a resolution of the American Library Association (ALA).
When: Celebrated on the Tuesday of National Library Week, which typically occurs in April each year.
Purpose: It was created to recognize all library workers, including librarians, support staff and others who make library services possible.
Recognition: Libraries and communities use this day to honor their library workers by highlighting their valuable contributions.
Activities: Activities might include public acknowledgments, award ceremonies, social media campaigns, and profiles that showcase staff members.
Themes: Some years may have specific themes focusing on aspects such as diversity or the evolving role of libraries.
What People Do:
Library Patrons often express gratitude through notes, posts on social media, or participating in events organized by local libraries.
Libraries might host special events or activities for their employees such as luncheons or recognition awards.
Advocacy: The ALA encourages people to advocate for better compensation for library workers and to lobby for improved working conditions.
The day serves as a reminder of the valuable service that library workers provide to communities and encourages support and advocacy for those individuals.