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Marine Corps Birthday
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Marine Corps Birthday celebrates the establishment of the United States Marine Corps on November 10, 1775.
Marine Corps Birthday in the United States
Celebrated annually on November 10th.
The Marine Corps was established on November 10, 1775, by the Second Continental Congress.
The creation of the Continental Marines was to serve as an infantry unit aboard naval vessels with a focus on security and missions involving ship-to-ship fighting.
Birthday Ball: A formal ball is held in various locations around the world. It includes a ceremony, guest speakers, and a banquet.
Cake-Cutting Ceremony: A traditional cake-cutting ceremony is conducted, where the first slice of cake is given to the oldest Marine present, who then passes it to the youngest Marine, symbolizing the passing of experience and knowledge from one generation to the next.
Reading of Commandant's Message: Each year, the Commandant of the Marine Corps delivers a birthday message that is read at celebrations.
Marine Corps Birthday Run: In some locations, Marines celebrate with a motivational run.
What People Do:
Active duty and reserve Marines celebrate both formally at balls and informally with gatherings and shared meals.
Veterans and retired Marines often recognize the day by attending balls or other celebratory events and reconnecting with former comrades.
Public officials may issue proclamations or statements recognizing the service of Marines.
The day serves as an annual reminder of the bravery, tradition, and heritage of this branch of the U.S. Armed Forces.