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Long Covid Awareness Day

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Long Covid Awareness Day is a worldwide observance in the USA

Long Covid Awareness Day in the United States

Long Covid Awareness Day is an observance aimed at increasing public understanding of Long Covid and the impacts it has on individuals who experience lingering symptoms after an acute SARS-CoV-2 infection. This includes a wide range of ongoing health issues such as fatigue, brain fog, and respiratory difficulties that can persist for weeks or months.


Long Covid Awareness Day does not have a long history as it reflects the relatively recent emergence of COVID-19, first identified in late 2019. As the pandemic progressed, it became clear that a significant number of people were not fully recovering after their initial infection. The need for awareness grew out of this recognition.


As Long Covid is a contemporary health issue, traditions are still in their formative stages. However, common activities on this day might include:

  • Educational Events: Health organizations and advocacy groups may host webinars or seminars to educate the public about Long Covid.
  • Social Media Campaigns: Individuals and organizations use hashtags and online campaigns to raise awareness and share personal stories.
  • Support Groups: Virtual or in-person support groups may organize events for those affected by Long Covid to share experiences and coping strategies.
  • Advocacy: Efforts to lobby for recognition, research funding, and support services for those living with Long Covid.

What People Do

On Long Covid Awareness Day, people engage in various activities such as:

  1. Sharing information about Long Covid via social media platforms.
  2. Participating in events that highlight personal experiences with Long Covid.
  3. Advocating for more research and better care options.
  4. Educating themselves about symptoms, treatments, and ways to support those affected.
  5. Wearing symbolic items (like ribbons) to show solidarity with those suffering from Long Covid.

The specific date for Long Covid Awareness Day may vary each year or be recognized differently depending on the organization promoting awareness.

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