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International Transgender Day of Visibility
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International Transgender Day of Visibility is a worldwide observance in the USA
International Transgender Day of Visibility in the United States
Date: Celebrated annually on March 31st.
Origin: Founded by transgender activist Rachel Crandall in 2009 as a reaction to the lack of LGBT holidays celebrating transgender people's successes.
Purpose: Initially started in Michigan, it quickly gained international recognition. The day is dedicated to celebrating the accomplishments and victories of transgender and gender nonconforming people, while simultaneously raising awareness of the work that is still needed to save trans lives.
Traditions and Observances:
Educational Events: Workshops, lectures, and discussions about transgender issues are organized to educate the public.
Visibility Campaigns: Social media campaigns using hashtags like #TDOV to share stories, pictures, and support for the trans community.
Flag Raising: Transgender flags may be raised at public places or institutions as a sign of solidarity.
Awards and Recognitions: Some communities recognize the contributions of transgender individuals through awards or public acknowledgments.
Supportive Gatherings: Rallies, marches, and other gatherings are often held to show support for transgender rights.
Individuals participate by attending events, wearing visible symbols of support such as pins or colors associated with the trans community (light blue, pink, and white).
Many also take action by advocating for policies that promote equality for transgender people or by donating to charities that support the trans community.
Allies are encouraged to learn more about transgender issues and engage in conversations that promote understanding and acceptance.