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International Men's Day
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International Men’s Day celebrates men's achievements worldwide and throughout history.
International Men's Day in the United States
International Men's Day (IMD) was inaugurated in 1992 by Thomas Oaster.
The project was re-initialized in 1999 in Trinidad and Tobago by Dr. Jerome Teelucksingh.
It has since spread to various countries around the world, including the United States.
Celebrated annually on November 19th.
To highlight men's and boys' health.
To improve gender relations and promote gender equality.
To acknowledge men's contributions to community, family, marriage, and child care.
Traditions and Observations:
There are no fixed traditions as the day is marked differently in communities across the U.S.
Events may include public seminars, forums, conferences, and classroom activities at schools discussing men's achievements and issues.
Charitable events focused on men's health issues such as prostate cancer, testicular cancer, mental health, etc.
People may engage in a range of activities such as:
Health screenings and awareness campaigns.
Discussions about male role models.
Awarding notable achievements of men within local communities or nationally.
The day serves as an opportunity for people to appreciate and recognize the positive contributions of men to society while also addressing challenges that men face.