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International Day of Neutrality

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International Day of Neutrality is a United Nations observance in the USA

International Day of Neutrality in the United States

International Day of Neutrality is observed globally on December 12th. It was officially declared by the United Nations General Assembly in 2017 and aims to promote neutrality among countries, encouraging peace, security, and development.


The concept of neutrality has a long history but its recognition by the UN is relatively recent. The day itself does not specifically commemorate any particular historical event but rather embraces the broader principles of peaceful conflict resolution and non-alignment.


In the United States, there are no widespread traditions associated with the International Day of Neutrality since it is not celebrated as a public holiday. However, it serves as an opportunity for:

  • Educational initiatives to raise awareness about the importance of peace and neutrality in international affairs.
  • Discussions and seminars held by think tanks and academic institutions focusing on foreign policy and conflict resolution.
  • Engagement from U.S. officials in promoting policies or diplomatic endeavors aligned with the principles of neutrality.


On this day, people might:

  • Participate in academic conferences or public debates on issues related to neutrality.
  • Engage with social media campaigns that promote understanding of neutrality's role in maintaining global peace.
  • Non-governmental organizations may organize events to discuss how neutral stances can influence peacekeeping efforts.

In summary, while not widely celebrated with specific customs or activities in the United States, International Day of Neutrality is an occasion for reflection on and promotion of neutral policies in international relations.

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