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International Day of Families

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The International Day of Families is an occasion to celebrate the importance of families to people, societies and cultures around the world.

International Day of Families in the United States

Background: International Day of Families is observed annually on May 15th. It was proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in 1993 with resolution A/RES/47/237, reflecting the importance the international community attaches to families. The day provides an opportunity to promote awareness of issues relating to families and to increase knowledge of the social, economic, and demographic processes affecting families.

History and Significance: The day was established to highlight the importance of family units as basic organizers of society, and it aims to foster equality, education, and wellbeing within familial settings. It also aligns with certain goals and objectives set out in major international instruments such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Traditions: In the United States, International Day of Families is not a public holiday but serves as a day for reflection on the importance of family ties. Various events are organized at local, state, and national levels including workshops, seminars, policy meetings, themed activities for children at schools or community centers designed to strengthen family bonds and address challenges faced by families.


  • Educational Events: These can include lectures or public discussions on topics like work-family balance, parenting education, or health.
  • Community Activities: Local organizations may sponsor family picnics or social gatherings that encourage community bonding.
  • Advocacy Campaigns: Advocates use this day to bring attention to family-related issues such as social justice or child welfare.
  • Media Engagement: Articles and programs that discuss family policies or share stories about diverse family structures often appear around this time.

Despite not being a widely recognized public holiday in the United States compared to other nations where it might be more celebrated with official ceremonies or events, International Day of Families still serves an important role in reminding individuals about the fundamental role families play in society.

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