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International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

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The United Nations’ (UN) International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination is annually observed on March 21.

International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination in the United States

Date: March 21

History: The International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination is observed annually on March 21st. This date was chosen by the United Nations to honor the memory of the Sharpeville massacre in 1960, where police opened fire and killed 69 people at a peaceful demonstration against apartheid "pass laws" in Sharpeville, South Africa.

Traditions and Observance: In the United States, there may not be official government-sponsored events dedicated to this day as it is not a federal public holiday. However, various civil rights organizations, educational institutions, community groups, and individuals participate by:

  • Hosting educational events and workshops focused on understanding racism and promoting racial equality.
  • Engaging in social media campaigns to spread awareness about racial discrimination and encourage solidarity against racism.
  • Conducting cultural events that celebrate diversity and highlight the contributions of different ethnic groups.
  • Encouraging dialogue between communities to foster better understanding and relationships across racial lines.

Activities: On this day, people might:

  1. Attend lectures or panels discussing race-related issues.
  2. Participate in cultural fairs or exhibitions showcasing diverse cultures.
  3. Engage with literature or media content that addresses racial equity.
  4. Take part in community service activities aimed at improving conditions for disadvantaged groups.

The International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination serves as a reminder of the ongoing struggle against racial injustice and an opportunity for people in the United States to reflect on progress made and work still required to achieve racial equality.

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