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Indigenous People's Day

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Indigenous People's Day is a state holiday in the USA

Indigenous People's Day in the United States

Indigenous People's Day is a holiday that celebrates and honors Native American peoples and commemorates their histories and cultures. It is celebrated across the United States on the second Monday in October, coinciding with the federal holiday of Columbus Day.


The idea for Indigenous People's Day dates back to 1977, when it was proposed at a United Nations conference by indigenous delegates from various countries. The intent was to counteract the narrative of Columbus Day, which many Native Americans and others view as glorifying European colonization at the expense of indigenous peoples.

Boulder, Colorado, became one of the first cities to adopt an Indigenous People's Day in 1992. In 1994, a UN-sponsored International Conference on Discrimination Against Indigenous Populations in the Americas included a proposal for American countries to replace Columbus Day with Indigenous People's Day.


On Indigenous People's Day:

  • Educational Events: Many schools and communities offer educational resources about Native American history and present-day issues facing indigenous communities.

  • Cultural Celebrations: Parades, powwows, traditional dances, and ceremonies are held to showcase indigenous cultures.

  • Reconciliation Efforts: Efforts are made to foster dialogue about historical injustices and ways to rectify them.

  • Art Exhibits: Exhibits featuring Native American artists and craftspeople are often displayed.

  • Political Advocacy: Some use the day for advocacy work related to Native American rights and sovereignty issues.

What People Do on this Day

Individuals may participate by attending local events or educational programs, supporting Native American-owned businesses, or learning more about indigenous cultures through books, films, or museum visits. Communities may hold vigils or remembrance events. Online platforms often feature campaigns to raise awareness about indigenous heritage.

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