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First Day of Women's History Month

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First Day of Women's History Month is a annual monthly observance in the USA

First Day of Women's History Month in the United States

Date: March 1st

History: Women's History Month in the United States has its roots in International Women's Day, which was first celebrated on March 8th, 1911. The idea to expand this celebration into a longer observance began to gain traction in the late 1970s when local groups and municipalities started celebrating Women's History Week. In response to growing momentum, President Jimmy Carter issued a presidential proclamation declaring the week of March 8th, 1980, as National Women’s History Week. The movement continued to grow, and schools across the country began to incorporate women’s history into their curricula. In recognition of the widespread efforts, Congress passed Public Law 100-9 in 1987, officially designating the entire month of March as "Women's History Month."


  • Educational Events: Schools and universities often hold special programs or curricula focusing on women's contributions throughout history.
  • Community Events: Libraries, community centers, and museums may host events such as lectures, film screenings, or art exhibits centered on celebrating women's achievements.
  • Proclamations & Political Acknowledgment: Government officials at various levels issue proclamations recognizing the month and encouraging public awareness.
  • Media Focus: Media outlets may feature stories that highlight historical figures or contemporary leaders in various fields.

What People Do:

  • Participate in Events: Individuals attend local events or engage with online webinars and discussions.
  • Social Media Engagement: Many use social media platforms to share stories about influential women or support related initiatives using hashtags like #WomensHistoryMonth.
  • Reading & Education: People often read books or watch documentaries about notable women and their contributions to society.
  • Support Women-Owned Businesses: Consumers are encouraged to support businesses owned by women during this month especially.

The First Day of Women's History Month serves as a kickoff for a series of events and activities aimed at honoring the role of women in American history.

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