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Employee Appreciation Day
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Employee Appreciation Day is a US unofficial observance that recognizes and appreciates employees in all industries, aimed at helping employers keep their staff.
Employee Appreciation Day in the United States
Date: Celebrated annually on the first Friday in March
Purpose: Dedicated to recognizing and expressing gratitude for employees' hard work and contributions
Created in 1995 by Dr. Bob Nelson, a founding Recognition Professional International board member, and his publishing company, Workman Publishing.
Dr. Nelson started the day in conjunction with the release of his book "1001 Ways to Reward Employees."
Traditions and Activities:
Employers may show appreciation with gestures like thank-you notes, public acknowledgments, or small gifts.
Companies often host special events such as luncheons, team outings, or office parties.
Some organizations use the day to launch or promote year-round employee recognition programs.
What People Do:
Managers might give personalized feedback and thanks to their teams.
Companies may offer perks for the day such as a free lunch, extended breaks, casual dress code, or even a half-day off.
Creative celebrations can include awards ceremonies, professional development opportunities, or wellness activities.
Employee Appreciation Day serves as a reminder of the importance of valuing employees and is an opportunity for employers to reinforce their commitment to creating a positive workplace culture.