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Cyber Monday
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Most online retailers in the US offer discounted prices on their products and services on Cyber Monday.
Cyber Monday in the United States
Date: Cyber Monday is celebrated on the Monday after Thanksgiving in the United States.
Origin: Cyber Monday was created by retailers to encourage people to shop online and was first coined by Ellen Davis and Scott Silverman of the National Retail Federation and Shop.org.
First Occurrence: It debuted on November 28, 2005.
Growth: Since its inception, it has grown into one of the biggest online shopping days of the year.
Discounts and Promotions: Retailers offer significant discounts and promotions that are exclusive to their online stores.
Email Marketing: Businesses send out targeted email campaigns to consumers to promote their Cyber Monday deals.
Extended Deals: Some retailers extend their sales for a week, creating a "Cyber Week."
Online Shopping: Consumers take advantage of deals by shopping online from various electronics, clothing, home goods, and more.
Comparison Shopping: Shoppers compare prices across different websites to find the best deals.
Social Media Engagement: Retailers and shoppers use social media platforms to share deals and promote exclusive offers.