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Corpus Christi
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Corpus Christi is observed in honor of the Holy Eucharist.
Corpus Christi in the United States
Corpus Christi, also known as the Feast of the Most Holy Body of Christ, is a Christian liturgical solemnity celebrating the Real Presence of the body and blood of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist.
History and Traditions
The feast was established for the universal Church by Pope Urban IV in 1264 to be celebrated on the Thursday after Trinity Sunday, often falling in late May or early June.
It was prompted by visions of a Belgian nun named St. Juliana of Liège which emphasized the joy of the Eucharist.
In some countries, it's a public holiday; however, in the United States, it is not federally recognized and thus not a public holiday.
In areas with strong Catholic communities, there may be processions and Eucharistic adorations.
Parishes may hold special Masses that focus on the theme of unity and thanksgiving for the Eucharist.
Some communities may have outdoor processions to publicly affirm their faith.
Parishioners may participate in Mass and receive Communion.
Processions are often accompanied by singing hymns and praying.
Decorative elements such as flower petals and banners might be used to adorn procession routes.
Despite its religious significance, Corpus Christi is observed with varying levels of public participation across different regions in the United States due to its diverse religious landscape.