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Constitution Day and Citizenship Day observed

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Constitution Day and Citizenship Day is a combined event that occurs in the United States on September 17 each year.

Constitution Day and Citizenship Day in the United States

Date: September 17th

Significance: Constitution Day and Citizenship Day is a combined event observed annually in the United States to commemorate the signing of the U.S. Constitution on September 17, 1787, and to recognize all who have attained American citizenship.


  • I Am an American Day: The origins of Citizenship Day trace back to "I Am an American Day," established in the 1940s to celebrate citizenship.
  • Change to Citizenship Day: In 1952, Congress repealed "I Am an American Day" and replaced it with Citizenship Day.
  • Incorporation of Constitution Day: In 2004, Senator Robert Byrd spearheaded an initiative that led to the creation of Constitution Day. The day was also designated as a time to study the Constitution, and it was mandated that all publicly funded educational institutions provide educational programming on the history of the American Constitution on that day.


  • Educational Programs: Schools and universities across the country hold educational events about the Constitution and American citizenship.
  • Government Observances: Federal buildings may display banners or posters; naturalization ceremonies often coincide with this day.
  • Public Events: Lectures, workshops, and forums discussing constitutional issues are common.

Activities: People engage in various activities such as:

  • Participating in citizenship ceremonies for new U.S. citizens.
  • Learning about constitutional amendments, rights, and responsibilities.
  • Attending community gatherings focused on historical reenactments or discussions.

Constitution Day and Citizenship Day serves as an opportunity for Americans to reflect on the foundational document that outlines their government's structure while honoring those who have chosen to become U.S. citizens.

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