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Boss's Day

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Boss’s Day is observed in many workplaces in the United States on October 16, or the nearest working day, each year.

Boss's Day in the United States

  • Date: Celebrated annually on October 16th, or the nearest working day if it falls on a weekend.

  • History: The concept for Boss's Day originated in 1958 when Patricia Bays Haroski registered the holiday with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Haroski chose October 16th as it was her father's birthday, who was also her boss, and she aimed to improve intra-office relationships between managers and their employees.

  • Recognition: It received official recognition in 1962 when Illinois Governor Otto Kerner backed Haroski's registration, thereby giving the day a more formal status.

  • Traditions: Traditionally, employees thank their bosses for being kind and fair throughout the year. Common gestures include giving cards, flowers, gifts or taking them out for lunch. The day is seen as a time to appreciate supervisors, managers and bosses for their leadership and support.

  • Contemporary Observance: The observance of Boss's Day is mixed; while some see it as an opportunity for appreciation, others view it skeptically as a Hallmark holiday aimed at selling merchandise. Regardless of perspective, it is an occasion that reminds employees to acknowledge their boss's hard work and guidance.

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