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Bennington Battle Day

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Bennington Battle Day is a state holiday in Vermont. It commemorates the American victory at the Battle of Bennington during the Revolutionary War in north America in 1777.

Bennington Battle Day in the United States

Date: August 16th

Significance: Bennington Battle Day is a state holiday in Vermont, commemorating the American victory at the Battle of Bennington during the Revolutionary War. The battle took place on August 16, 1777, and was a critical turning point that contributed to the eventual defeat of British General Burgoyne at Saratoga.

History: The Battle of Bennington was fought in the Walloomsac area of New York, about 10 miles from its namesake Bennington, Vermont. The colonial forces, primarily composed of New Hampshire and Massachusetts militia and reinforced by Vermont's Green Mountain Boys, were led by General John Stark. They decisively defeated a detachment of General Burgoyne's army, which was seeking supplies and aimed to weaken colonial military strength in New England.


  • Parades: Many towns within Vermont hold parades featuring marching bands, floats, and various community organizations.
  • Reenactments: Historical reenactments are staged to bring to life the events of the battle for both education and entertainment purposes.
  • Ceremonies: Wreath-laying ceremonies and speeches often take place at monuments commemorating the battle or at cemeteries where participants are buried.
  • Community Events: Local fairs, picnics, and other community gatherings may be organized as part of the celebration.

Activities: People partake in various activities such as:

  • Visiting historical sites related to the Battle of Bennington
  • Participating in or watching reenactments
  • Enjoying local festivities including crafts fairs and food vendors
  • Attending patriotic events or programs that highlight Vermont’s role in American history

Bennington Battle Day serves not only as a time for remembrance but also as an opportunity for communities throughout Vermont to come together in celebration.

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