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Constitution Day

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Constitution Day is a public holiday in Tonga

Constitution Day in Tonga

Constitution Day in Tonga is a public holiday celebrated annually on November 4. This day commemorates the adoption of the Tongan Constitution by King George Tupou I in 1875, which formally established Tonga as a constitutional monarchy.


  • In 1875, King George Tupou I enacted the constitution, which was influenced by Western political thought and Christianity.
  • The constitution provided for modern governance structures while also protecting traditional Tongan customs.
  • It is one of the oldest constitutions in the Pacific region and has been amended several times to keep up with political developments.


  • The day is marked by various cultural displays, including traditional dancing and singing.
  • Religious services are held to give thanks for the nation's governance.
  • Parades and official ceremonies often feature speeches by dignitaries.


  • Citizens often enjoy family gatherings and communal feasts known as "umu."
  • Schools and communities engage in educational activities to teach students about the significance of the constitution.
  • Government buildings may host open houses or special exhibits related to Tonga's constitutional history.

Constitution Day serves as a reminder of Tonga's sovereignty and its journey towards establishing a system of governance that reflects both its unique cultural heritage and adaptations from Western legal systems.

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