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Daylight Saving Time starts

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Daylight Saving Time starts in Sweden

Daylight Saving Time Starts in Sweden

Day: Daylight Saving Time (DST) in Sweden typically begins on the last Sunday in March, aligning with the start date for most European countries following the EU directive on summer time arrangements. On this day, clocks are set forward one hour at 2:00 AM local standard time, which becomes 3:00 AM local daylight time.

History: DST was first introduced in Sweden in 1916 during World War I to conserve energy by making better use of daylight. Over the years, the practice was discontinued and reinstated several times. Since 1980, Sweden has followed a consistent schedule for DST, in sync with other European countries.

Traditions and Activities: While there are no specific traditions associated with the start of Daylight Saving Time in Sweden, it marks a period where people begin to enjoy longer daylight hours in the evenings. This transition is often welcomed as it signifies the end of a long, dark winter and is associated with the onset of spring.

On this day, Swedes typically:

  • Adjust their clocks before going to bed on Saturday night or upon waking up on Sunday.
  • Enjoy outdoor activities such as walking, cycling, or having fika (a coffee break) outdoors to take advantage of the extra daylight.
  • Might feel slightly disoriented or tired due to the one-hour "loss" of sleep but generally adapt within a few days.

Since it is not a public holiday or festivity, there are no public events or celebrations connected specifically to the start of DST. However, Swedes may use it as an opportunity to prepare for upcoming spring and summer activities.

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