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March Equinox

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March Equinox in Russia (Moscow)

March Equinox in Russia

Day and Significance

The March Equinox, also known as the Vernal Equinox, marks the beginning of spring in the Northern Hemisphere. In Russia, this typically occurs on March 20th or 21st when the sun crosses the celestial equator and day and night are approximately equal in length.


The concept of equinoxes has roots in astronomy and has been recognized by various cultures for millennia. In Russia's history, particularly within its pagan Slavic past, the change of seasons was often associated with agricultural cycles and nature’s awakening.


While there are no major public holidays associated with the March Equinox in Russia, it is still a time when people observe the changing season. Some of the related traditions include:

  • Maslenitsa: Although not directly linked to the equinox and usually celebrated a bit earlier, Maslenitsa is a traditional Slavic holiday that bids farewell to winter and welcomes spring.
  • Spring Cleaning: With the onset of warmer weather, Russians may participate in general cleaning of their homes, symbolically clearing away winter's clutter.
  • Nature Activities: People may start to spend more time outdoors, engaging in activities such as walking or picnicking to enjoy the early signs of spring.
  • Dacha Preparations: Those who own dachas (country houses) might begin preparing their gardens for planting as part of longer-term springtime rituals.

What People Do

On a personal level, Russians might celebrate the increase in daylight by enjoying outdoor activities or simply appreciating the end of a long winter. Urban dwellers might notice more daylight during their commutes, while rural communities may focus on preparing for upcoming agricultural tasks.

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