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Day of Knowledge

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Day of Knowledge is a observance in Russia

Day of Knowledge in Russia

Day of Knowledge (Den' Znaniy) in Russia is celebrated annually on September 1st. It marks the beginning of the school year for students across the country.


The tradition dates back to the Soviet era. It was officially established in 1984 but had been informally recognized as the start of the academic year long before that.


On this day, schools host a ceremonial event known as the "First Bell." A senior student carries a first-grader on his shoulders, and together they ring a bell, signifying the start of the new school year. Students traditionally bring flowers, often bouquets of asters and gladioli, to their teachers as a sign of respect and appreciation.


  • Ceremonies: Schools organize formal assemblies where students are welcomed by their teachers and school principals.
  • Concerts: Cultural performances and concerts may take place.
  • Classroom Time: After the initial ceremonies, some schools may hold short introductory classes.
  • Photographs: It is common for parents to take photos of their children in school uniform.
  • Meetings: Former classmates often arrange reunions on this day to reminisce about their school days.

The Day of Knowledge serves as an important cultural touchstone in Russia, symbolizing both educational aspirations and the collective memory of school experiences.

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