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Battle of Angamos

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Battle of Angamos is a national holiday in Peru

Battle of Angamos

The Battle of Angamos is a significant event in Peruvian history that took place on October 8, 1879, during the War of the Pacific, which was fought between Chile and the allied nations of Peru and Bolivia.

Historical Background

During the war, control of the sea was crucial. The Peruvian ironclad Huáscar, commanded by Admiral Miguel Grau, had been disrupting Chilean supply lines and posing a formidable threat to their naval operations. To neutralize this threat, the Chilean navy sought to confront Huáscar.

The Battle

On the morning of October 8th, near Punta Angamos along the Bolivian coast (now part of Chile), the Chilean fleet engaged Huáscar. Despite being outnumbered and outgunned, Admiral Grau led his ship in a valiant fight. After several hours of combat and after Grau's death due to an enemy shell hitting his cabin, Huáscar was eventually captured by Chile.


The loss of Huáscar was a turning point in the War of the Pacific as it gave Chile control over the sea lanes. Admiral Miguel Grau became a national hero in Peru for his bravery and leadership.

Traditions and Observances

  • Commemoration: Every year on October 8th, Peru commemorates "Día de la Marina" (Navy Day) to honor Admiral Miguel Grau and celebrate its naval tradition.
  • Ceremonies: Official ceremonies are held at naval bases across Peru with military parades; wreaths are laid at monuments dedicated to Grau.
  • Educational Activities: Schools often conduct lessons or activities related to Peruvian naval history and the life of Miguel Grau.
  • Public Recognition: The day is marked by speeches from public officials recognizing the sacrifices made by those who served in the Peruvian Navy during the war.

The Battle of Angamos remains an important part of Peruvian national identity with commemorative activities emphasizing patriotism and reverence for those who have served in defense of their country.

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