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New Year

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New Year’s Day is the first day of the year, or January 1, in the Gregorian calendar.

New Year in Mongolia: Tsagaan Sar

The Day: In Mongolia, the traditional New Year is known as Tsagaan Sar, which translates to "White Moon" or "White Month". It typically falls on the second new moon after the winter solstice, marking the end of winter and the beginning of spring. The exact date varies each year according to the lunar calendar.

History and Traditions: Tsagaan Sar has its roots in ancient Mongolian shamanistic traditions and has been celebrated for centuries. The celebration is deeply intertwined with both the lunar calendar and nomadic customs.

On Tsagaan Sar, Mongolians honor their ancestors and emphasize family values. Preparations begin weeks in advance with deep cleaning of homes, preparation of traditional clothing, and cooking special dishes.

What People Do:

  • Bituun: On the eve of Tsagaan Sar, families gather for a ritual meal called Bituun. They eat to excess to symbolize abundance in the coming year. It's believed that how one spends this evening influences their fortune for the year ahead.

  • First Day: People dress in traditional attire called "deel" and visit the homes of elders. The greeting ritual involves a specific manner of holding one's arms based on age hierarchy. Snuff bottles are exchanged as a mark of respect.

  • Food: A central element is a tower-like structure called "Uuts," made from traditional pastries stacked upon one another, surrounded by dairy products and mutton.

  • Gifting: It is customary to exchange gifts when visiting friends and relatives.

  • Games: Traditional games are played, often involving ankle bones (shagai) from sheep or goats.

Tsagaan Sar is a time for renewal, strengthening family bonds, paying respect to elders and ancestors, forgiving any wrongs from the previous year, and wishing for prosperity in the new one.

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