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Armed Forces' Day
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Armed Forces' Day is a public holiday in Myanmar
Armed Forces' Day in Myanmar
Armed Forces' Day, also known as Tatmadaw Nay, is a national holiday in Myanmar that takes place on March 27th each year. This day commemorates the start of the Burmese Army's resistance to Japanese occupation during World War II in 1945.
Origin: The day marks the historical event when the Burma National Army, led by General Aung San, rose up against Japanese forces. This rebellion was a turning point in the country's struggle for independence.
Significance: It was originally celebrated as Resistance Day until 1974 when it was renamed Armed Forces' Day to honor the military's role in defending and shaping the nation.
Military Parades: The day is typically marked by a large military parade in Naypyidaw, the capital city of Myanmar. The parade showcases the strength and capabilities of various branches of Myanmar's armed forces.
Speeches & Awards: High-ranking officials, including the Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services, deliver speeches. Medals and honors are often awarded to military personnel for their service.
Commemoration: Wreaths are laid at memorials and cemeteries to pay tribute to soldiers who have lost their lives in service.
Public Observance:
While it is primarily a celebration for those in uniform and involves state-sponsored events, civilians may also participate by watching parades or attending related public events.
Some citizens use this day to reflect on issues regarding the military’s role in society and politics.