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Orthodox Christmas Day Holiday

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Orthodox Christmas Day Holiday is a national holiday in Montenegro

Orthodox Christmas Day Holiday in Montenegro

Orthodox Christmas Day is celebrated on January 7th in Montenegro, following the Julian calendar, which is still used by the Serbian Orthodox Church for religious dates. This differs from the Gregorian calendar used in the West, where Christmas falls on December 25th.

History and Traditions

The history of Orthodox Christmas is steeped in religious tradition. It commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ and is one of the most significant holidays in the Orthodox Christian faith. Montenegro, with its predominant Serbian Orthodox population, observes this day with a mix of religious reverence and cultural festivities.

Traditionally, the holiday period begins on January 6th with Christmas Eve, known as "Badnji dan" during which a special oak log called "Badnjak" is brought into the home. This ritual symbolizes the wood that was burnt to keep baby Jesus warm in Bethlehem.

On Christmas Day itself:

  • Church Services: Many Montenegrins attend a special liturgy at their local churches to celebrate the birth of Christ.

  • Family Gatherings: Families come together to enjoy a festive meal. The table often includes a variety of traditional dishes such as "pečenica" (roasted pork) and "česnica," a special bread with a coin hidden inside that brings luck to whoever finds it.

  • Greeting: A common greeting on this day is "Hristos se rodi!" - "Christ is born!", to which people respond with "Vaistinu se rodi!" - "Indeed He is born!"

  • Gifts: While gift-giving is not as central as in Western traditions, some families exchange presents.


Besides attending church and family meals, people engage in various activities:

  • Folklore Music & Dance: Traditional music and dance can be part of the celebrations.

  • Visiting Relatives: It's customary to visit relatives and friends during this time, offering best wishes for the season.

  • Charity: Acts of charity are encouraged during this time to honor Christian values of love and generosity.

The celebration continues for three days, offering a time for spiritual reflection as well as socializing with loved ones.

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