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Midsummer Day
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Midsummer Day is a national holiday in Latvia
Midsummer Day in Latvia (Jāņi)
Date: Celebrated on June 23rd and 24th
History & Significance:
Rooted in ancient pagan traditions.
Marks the summer solstice, the longest day and shortest night of the year.
Named after John the Baptist (Jānis in Latvian), since Christian traditions were blended with the pagan ones.
Meadows and Homes Decoration: People decorate their homes and surroundings with birch, oak branches, and flowers.
Wreaths: Women wear wreaths made of flowers, while men wear ones made of oak leaves to honor Jānis.
Bonfires: Lighting bonfires is a key tradition meant to ward off evil spirits and celebrate the power of the sun.
Songs: Singing traditional Latvian folk songs called "dainas" which are especially composed for Jāņi.
People often go to the countryside to celebrate.
Traditional foods include cheese with caraway seeds and beer.
Searching for the mythical "fern flower" is a popular activity, symbolizing fertility and prosperity.
Jumping over bonfires is believed to bring good luck and health.
Social Aspect:
It's a time for communal gathering, where families and friends come together in a festive atmosphere.