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Republic Day
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Italy’s Republic Day is an annual public holiday on June 2 to commemorates the date Italians voted for their country end the monarchy and become a republic.
Republic Day in Italy (Festa della Repubblica)
Date: June 2nd annually
Republic Day in Italy commemorates the day in 1946 when Italians voted in a referendum to abolish the monarchy and form a republic. Following World War II and the fall of Fascism, the Italian people were given a choice between preserving the monarchy and establishing a republic. The majority voted for a republic, which led to the creation of the modern Italian state.
Military Parade: The main celebration is a grand military parade held in Rome, presided over by the President of the Republic. The parade showcases Italy's military forces and honors its history and cultural heritage.
Wreath-Laying Ceremony: There is also a ceremonial wreath-laying at the Altare della Patria (Altar of the Fatherland) by the President, honoring Italy's Unknown Soldier.
Frecce Tricolori Flyover: The Italian Air Force aerobatic team, Frecce Tricolori, performs an aerial display painting the sky with smoke in the colors of the Italian flag: green, white, and red.
Open Institutions: Public buildings and institutions that are usually closed to visitors are open on Republic Day. This includes palaces, government buildings, and cultural sites.
What People Do:
Many Italians attend local parades or watch the main parade on television.
It is a public holiday; schools and most businesses are closed allowing families to spend time together.
In some cities, there are concerts or special events celebrating Italian culture.
It is also common for citizens to display national flags from their homes as an act of patriotism.
Republic Day is both a celebration of Italy's rich historical tapestry and an observance of democratic values that define contemporary Italian identity.