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Oil Nationalization Day
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Oil Nationalization Day is a national holiday in Iran
Oil Nationalization Day in Iran
Oil Nationalization Day in Iran is commemorated on March 20th (29th of Esfand in the Iranian calendar) and marks the anniversary of the nationalization of the oil industry in 1951. This significant event is deeply rooted in the modern history of Iran and has had profound implications for its economy and politics.
The move to nationalize the oil industry was led by Dr. Mohammad Mossadegh, then Prime Minister of Iran.
Prior to nationalization, Iran's oil was controlled by the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company (AIOC), now known as BP (British Petroleum).
The nationalization was a response to long-held grievances over the AIOC's control and profit distribution.
It sparked a crisis that led to Mossadegh's ousting in a coup orchestrated by British intelligence with assistance from the CIA in 1953.
There are no specific traditions associated with Oil Nationalization Day, as it is more a day of political significance than a festive occasion.
Activities on this day
Government officials make speeches emphasizing Iran's sovereignty and economic independence.
Educational institutions may hold seminars or discussions about the historical importance of oil nationalization.
Media outlets often broadcast documentaries or programs related to this pivotal moment in Iran's history.