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Khordad National Uprising
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Khordad National Uprising is a national holiday in Iran
Khordad National Uprising in Iran
The Khordad National Uprising, known in Iran as the 15th of Khordad uprising, refers to a series of protests that occurred on June 5, 1963 (15th of Khordad in the Iranian calendar). These protests were a significant political event in Iran's history that ultimately laid the groundwork for the Islamic Revolution of 1979.
The uprising was sparked by the arrest of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini after he made a speech attacking the Shah of Iran, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, and his policies.
The Shah’s regime had launched a program called the White Revolution, which aimed at modernizing and westernizing Iran but also threatened traditional Islamic values.
Khomeini’s opposition to these policies resonated with many Iranians who felt marginalized or disenchanted with rapid modernization and secularization.
The demonstrations were met with severe military force, resulting in a considerable number of deaths and injuries.
In contemporary Iran, this day is commemorated as a prelude to the Islamic Revolution.
It is marked by political speeches and gatherings where officials pay tribute to those who lost their lives during the protests.
What People Do on This Day:
Public ceremonies are often held where high-ranking officials deliver speeches highlighting the significance of the event.
Religious figures may hold special sermons in mosques to honor those who fought against oppression.
Some citizens may visit cemeteries to pay respects to those killed during this time.