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Date and Significance: Mesadi or Vaisakhadi marks the beginning of the New Year in certain regions of India, observed on the first day of the Vaisakha month according to the Hindu calendar, which typically falls in April or May in the Gregorian calendar. This day signifies new beginnings and reflects agricultural significance as it marks the time for harvest.
History: The festival is rooted in ancient traditions and has been celebrated for centuries across different parts of India. Its origin is tied to agrarian customs and coincides with other regional New Year celebrations like Baisakhi in Punjab, Pohela Boishakh in Bengal, Bohag Bihu in Assam, Vishu in Kerala, and Puthandu in Tamil Nadu.
What People Do: On Mesadi / Vaisakhadi, people engage in various activities such as:
This festival reflects a blend of socio-cultural and religious practices that bring communities together to celebrate life's cyclical renewal.