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Yom HaZikaron
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Yom HaZikaron is a observance and Jewish holiday in Israel
Yom HaZikaron in Israel
Yom HaZikaron, or Israel's Memorial Day, is a national day of remembrance for Israeli military personnel who lost their lives in the struggle for the establishment and defense of the State of Israel, as well as for civilian victims of terrorism.
Date: It is observed on the 4th day of the Hebrew month of Iyar, which usually falls in April or May.
Establishment: The day was officially established by the Israeli Parliament (Knesset) in 1963.
Significance: It was created to honor the memory and sacrifice of those who have fallen for the country's independence and continued existence.
Traditions and Observances:
Siren: A nationwide siren sounds at 8:00 PM on the eve of Yom HaZikaron, marking a minute of silence. Another siren sounds at 11:00 AM on the day itself, signifying a two-minute silence.
Ceremonies: Memorial services are held across the country. The main state ceremony is at the Western Wall (Kotel) in Jerusalem and another central event occurs at Mount Herzl military cemetery.
Flags at Half-Mast: Flags are lowered to half-mast as a sign of mourning.
Visits to Gravesites: Many Israelis visit cemeteries where fallen soldiers are buried. Families and friends pay respects to their loved ones.
Media Programming: Television and radio programs focus on themes related to sacrifice and patriotism. Entertainment programs are not broadcasted.
Closure of Places of Entertainment: Restaurants, theaters, pubs, and other entertainment venues remain closed during this solemn day.
Public Behavior:
People across Israel participate in various commemorative events and engage in personal reflection. Public discourse often centers around stories highlighting the lives and heroism of those who died defending their country.