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Purim Eve

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Purim Eve is a observance and Jewish holiday in Israel

Purim Eve in Israel

Historical Background: Purim is a Jewish holiday commemorating the salvation of the Jewish people in ancient Persia from Haman's plot "to destroy, kill and annihilate all the Jews, young and old, infants and women, in a single day," as recorded in the Megillah (book of Esther). The story tells of Queen Esther and her cousin Mordechai's courage in thwarting this plan.

Traditions: On Purim Eve, also known as Ta'anit Esther (the Fast of Esther), many Jews fast from dawn until dusk to commemorate Esther's fast before she approached King Ahasuerus unbidden. As the sun sets, the festive mood begins to build.

Purim Eve Activities:

  • Reading the Megillah: The Book of Esther is read aloud both on Purim Eve and during Purim day. It is customary to make noise with graggers (noisemakers) every time Haman's name is mentioned to "blot out" his name.

  • Mishloach Manot: The preparation of gift baskets containing food and drink begins on Purim Eve. These are sent to friends, family, and neighbors on Purim day.

  • Costumes: People begin dressing up in costumes on Purim Eve, ranging from traditional biblical figures to modern pop culture characters.

  • Charity: Donations are collected for the poor (matanot la'evyonim), a key mitzvah (commandment) of Purim that ensures everyone can partake in the feast.

  • Festive Meal Prep: Families prepare for the Seudat Purim, the festive meal eaten during Purim day after reading the Megillah.

Celebratory Nature: Although primarily observed on Purim day itself (14th of Adar), festivities often kick off on Purim Eve with parties, gatherings, and sometimes even street fairs or performances in anticipation of the joyous holiday. Towns and cities across Israel pulse with energy as residents prepare to celebrate this time-honored tradition with revelry into the night.

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