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Mothers' Day
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Mother’s Day celebrates the achievements and efforts of mothers and mother figures.
Mothers' Day in Estonia
Date: Mothers' Day in Estonia is celebrated on the second Sunday of May, aligning with many other countries worldwide.
Origins: The celebration of mothers and motherhood can be traced back to ancient festivals, but the modern incarnation of Mother's Day has its roots in early 20th-century American activism.
Establishment in Estonia: It was first celebrated in Estonia during the interwar period of the 1920s and became an official holiday in 1922.
Soviet Era: During the Soviet occupation, Mother's Day was not officially recognized; however, International Women's Day on March 8th somewhat took its place.
Post-independence: After regaining independence in 1991, Estonia reinstated Mothers' Day as a national holiday.
Estonians celebrate Mothers' Day by honoring mothers and mother figures.
Families often gather for a festive meal.
Children typically give handmade cards and gifts to their mothers.
Schools and kindergartens often host events or performances leading up to the holiday where children sing songs and recite poems dedicated to their mothers.
Many people use the day as an opportunity to spend quality time with their mothers, such as going for a walk or visiting a favorite place together.
Flowers, particularly carnations and roses, are popular gifts on this day.
There is also a tradition of wearing a "mother's pin" (emadepäeva märk), which is usually designed by schoolchildren and sold to raise money for charity.
Mothers' Day in Estonia serves as a celebration of motherhood and maternal bonds, reflecting both personal gratitude towards individual mothers as well as broader societal recognition of the contributions of all mothers.