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Ashura is a Muslim in Canada
Ashura in Canada
Ashura is a significant day for Muslims all around the world, including those in Canada. It falls on the 10th day of Muharram, which is the first month of the Islamic lunar calendar.
History and Significance
Historical Incident: The day is historically significant because it marks the martyrdom of Hussein ibn Ali, the grandson of Prophet Muhammad, at the Battle of Karbala in 680 AD.
Shia Observance: For Shia Muslims, Ashura is a day of mourning to commemorate Hussein's sacrifice and to reflect on the fight against injustice and oppression.
Sunni Observance: Sunni Muslims observe it as a day of respect for Moses' deliverance of the Israelites from Pharaoh's tyranny, as well as a day Prophet Muhammad fasted in solidarity with Jewish fasting traditions.
Mourning Rituals: In some Shia communities, public processions take place where people may engage in ritual chest-beating (matam) or recite elegies (latmiyat).
Majalis: Gatherings called "majalis" are held where stories about Hussein ibn Ali and his martyrdom are recounted.
Fasting: Some Sunnis choose to fast on Ashura following the tradition set by Prophet Muhammad.
Practices in Canada
In Canada, Muslims perform these observances within their local communities. Public processions or gatherings are organized by mosques and community centers across Canadian cities with significant Muslim populations such as Toronto, Vancouver, and Montreal.
Educational events are also held to inform people about the historical significance of Ashura and its relevance today.
Canadian Muslims may take time off work or school to participate in religious activities. Non-Muslim Canadians often show solidarity by acknowledging this period's importance to their Muslim friends and colleagues.