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Special Working Day

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Special Working Day is a working day on weekend in Belarus

Special Working Day in Belarus

Special Working Day in Belarus, also known as Subbotnik, is a day when citizens engage in voluntary community service, typically involving cleaning and beautifying public spaces such as parks, streets, and monuments. The tradition harks back to the Soviet era and has roots in Russian revolutionary activities.


  • Origin: The concept originated in Russia after the October Revolution of 1917. It was intended to encourage citizens to work unpaid on their day off to contribute to the communist community.
  • Spread: The practice spread throughout the Soviet Union, including Belarus.
  • Modern Times: After gaining independence from the Soviet Union, Belarus continued this tradition. It's seen as a way to foster community spirit and civic responsibility.


  • Activities: People participate by planting trees, cleaning up litter, painting fences, and repairing public facilities.
  • Involvement: Workers from various sectors join in, from students to government officials.

What People Do

  • Volunteer Work: Residents volunteer their time towards communal work projects.
  • Environmental Focus: Efforts often have an environmental emphasis such as planting trees or landscaping.

The Special Working Day reflects Belarus's historical ties with Soviet traditions and continues to be a day for communal cooperation and environmental stewardship.

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