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Randol Fawkes Labour Day
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Labor Day, International Workers' Day, and May Day, is a day off for workers in many countries around the world.
Randol Fawkes Labour Day in The Bahamas
Randol Fawkes Labour Day is a public holiday in The Bahamas, celebrated on the first Friday in June. It is named after Sir Randol Fawkes, who established the Bahamian Labour movement and played a significant role in championing workers' rights.
Sir Randol Fawkes: Known as the Father of Labour in The Bahamas, he was instrumental in organizing the first significant labour union and advancing labour laws.
Labour Movement: The day commemorates the struggles and achievements of the Bahamian labour movement.
Establishment: In 1961, Randol Fawkes successfully lobbied for a public holiday to honour workers, which led to the creation of Labour Day.
Parades: Grand parades are held with union leaders and members marching through the streets, often accompanied by bands and colourful displays.
Speeches & Rallies: Public figures and union leaders deliver speeches reflecting on labour achievements and current issues.
Cultural Events: Various cultural events showcase Bahamian heritage with music, dance, and food.
People typically enjoy the day off by attending events or spending time with family.
Outdoor cookouts and community gatherings are commonplace.
It's also a day for political engagement where current labour concerns are highlighted.