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Tiradentes Day
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Tiradentes Day is a national holiday in Brazil
Tiradentes Day in Brazil
Tiradentes Day, observed on April 21st, is a national holiday in Brazil that commemorates the execution of Joaquim José da Silva Xavier, known as "Tiradentes" (tooth-puller), who was a leading member of the Brazilian revolutionary movement known as the Inconfidência Mineira.
Inconfidência Mineira was an unsuccessful rebellion against Portuguese colonial rule. It took place in the state of Minas Gerais in the late 18th century.
The movement aimed to establish an independent Brazilian republic and abolish certain taxes, inspired by the Enlightenment ideals and the American and French revolutions.
Tiradentes was a dentist, hence his nickname, but he also served as a military officer and became deeply involved in the conspiracy.
After the plot was uncovered by authorities in 1789, Tiradentes took full responsibility to protect his co-conspirators.
On April 21, 1792, he was hanged and quartered in Rio de Janeiro; his body parts were displayed to discourage further rebellion.
Public Holiday: Schools, banks, and some businesses are closed. Government offices do not operate.
Military Parades: There are often military parades and civic ceremonies to honor Tiradentes' memory.
Educational Activities: Schools might use this day to teach students about Brazil's colonial history and Tiradentes’ role in it.
What People Do:
Many Brazilians use this day off to relax or spend time with family or friends.
Some attend or watch parades or official events commemorating Tiradentes’ sacrifice for Brazilian independence.
In cities like Ouro Preto (a historical city linked closely with Inconfidência Mineira), special cultural events may take place including historical reenactments.