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Sultan's Birthday
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Sultan's Birthday is a public holiday in Brunei
Sultan's Birthday in Brunei
The Sultan's Birthday in Brunei is a national holiday that celebrates the birth of the country's monarch, Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah. Born on July 15, 1946, His Majesty is one of the world's longest-reigning and wealthiest monarchs.
The date of the celebration has shifted over time to accommodate various factors, including astrological considerations. Although his actual birthday is in July, the public celebration sometimes takes place on a different day to ensure it aligns with favorable weather conditions and other ceremonial considerations.
The event not only marks the Sultan’s birth but also serves as an opportunity for him to connect with his people and showcase his role in national unity and leadership.
A grand parade is organized in the capital city of Bandar Seri Begawan, where thousands of participants including military personnel march before the Sultan.
The Sultan delivers a royal address which often outlines progress made by the nation and may include announcements regarding government policy or development initiatives.
A 21-gun salute is traditionally fired to honor His Majesty.
Buildings are adorned with lights and portraits of the Sultan.
Citizens display flags and decorative items to show patriotism.
What People Do:
Many citizens attend public celebrations wearing traditional attire as a sign of respect and festivity.
Various community events are held throughout Brunei including religious ceremonies like prayers for the longevity and health of His Majesty.
Acts of charity are common, reflecting the Islamic values that underpin Bruneian society.
Some receive special honors or medals from the Sultan during investiture ceremonies held around this time.
The Sultan's Birthday is more than just a lavish celebration; it's an embodiment of national pride and unity for Bruneians.