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Christmas Day

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Christmas Day is one of the biggest Christian celebrations and falls on December 25 in the Gregorian calendar.

Christmas Day in Burkina Faso

Christmas Day in Burkina Faso, celebrated on December 25th, is a public holiday that marks the birth of Jesus Christ. As a country with a sizeable Christian population despite being predominantly Muslim, the day is observed by many Burkinabè who follow Christian denominations, particularly Catholicism and Protestantism.

History and Traditions

The tradition of celebrating Christmas in Burkina Faso was introduced through colonial influence and missionary work, primarily by French Catholics. Over time, it has become an important festive season for Christians in the country.


On Christmas Day, Burkinabè Christians attend special church services where nativity plays are often performed to depict the story of Jesus' birth. Churches are usually decorated with nativity scenes and colorful ornaments.

Following church services, families gather for festive meals that often include dishes like chicken or mutton, paired with rice or 'tô', a local staple made from millet or sorghum flour. Gift-giving is not as prominent as in Western countries but is still practiced among family members and friends, especially for children.

In urban areas like Ouagadougou (the capital) and Bobo-Dioulasso, one might find more elaborate decorations and festivities including Christmas trees and lights. In rural areas, celebrations tend to be more modest due to economic constraints.

Community spirit is strong during the festive season; people visit neighbors and extended family to share greetings and food. Choirs may also go from house to house singing carols.

Children enjoy participating in various activities organized within communities such as games and dance performances. In some cases, someone might dress up as Father Christmas (Père Noël) to distribute sweets to children.

Despite the festivities among Christians, it's also a regular day for many non-Christians in Burkina Faso who may not partake in the celebrations but respect the holiday as part of the nation's cultural diversity.

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