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Flag Day

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Flag Day is a public holiday in American Samoa

Flag Day in American Samoa

Flag Day in American Samoa is a significant public holiday celebrated annually on April 17th. It commemorates the date in 1900 when the Samoan Islands' traditional leaders and representatives of the United States signed the Deed of Cession, which established American Samoa as a U.S. territory.


  • On April 17, 1900, the high chiefs of what would become known as American Samoa ceded their islands to the United States.
  • The United States wanted to establish a coaling station for its naval fleet and saw strategic value in the harbor of Pago Pago.
  • The Treaty of Cession was signed at Mauga O Ali'i, and since then, the American flag has flown over American Samoa.


  • Flag Day celebrations are marked by traditional Samoan festivities and cultural performances.
  • A significant feature is a fautasi race, which is a longboat rowing competition that draws teams from various villages and entities within the territory.
  • Military parades often take place, featuring U.S. Armed Forces personnel alongside local police and fire brigades.


  • The day typically includes official ceremonies with speeches by government officials.
  • Various villages perform skits, dances, and songs that display Samoan culture and heritage.
  • Families gather for feasts or to watch or participate in sporting events and other community activities.
  • Schools may hold special assemblies or programs where students learn about the history of their territory.

Celebrations for Flag Day can sometimes extend over several days leading up to or following April 17th due to its importance within the local culture.

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