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Rosh Hashana Eve

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Rosh Hashana Eve is a optional holiday in Argentina

Rosh Hashanah Eve in Argentina

Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, is celebrated by Jewish communities worldwide, including Argentina, which has one of the largest Jewish populations in Latin America. The celebration begins on the eve of Rosh Hashanah and marks the start of a 10-day period of introspection and repentance leading up to Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement.

History and Traditions

Rosh Hashanah commemorates the creation of the world as per Jewish tradition. In Argentina, as in other parts of the world, this festival has been observed for generations, with traditions being passed down through families.

The celebration involves several traditional practices:

  • Synagogue Services: On Rosh Hashanah Eve, Jews attend special services at synagogues where they engage in prayer and listen to the sounding of the shofar (ram's horn), which is a key ritual marking this holiday.
  • Candle Lighting: Families light candles at home to symbolize hope and enlightenment for the new year.
  • Festive Meal: A festive meal is shared among family and friends. Traditional foods include apples dipped in honey to symbolize a sweet new year and challah bread, which is often round to represent the cycle of life.

Current Practices

In Argentina today:

  • Community Gatherings: Many Jewish Argentines gather with their communities for prayer and celebration.
  • Greeting Each Other: It's common to wish each other "Shana Tova" (a good year) or "Shana Tova Umetukah" (a good and sweet year).
  • Tzedakah (Charity): There's an emphasis on giving to charity during this time as part of seeking forgiveness and starting anew.

On Rosh Hashanah Eve in Argentina, just as elsewhere around the globe, people take time out from their everyday lives to reflect on their actions over the past year and make resolutions for personal improvement in the year ahead.

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